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CRC 5 56 Multi Purpose Lubricant Spray
Multi-purpose service spray. A multi-purpose penetrating and lubricating product that breaks through rust and corrosion, displaces water and cleans away scale and dirt. CRC 5-56 is based on a paraffinic oil and a multiple organic inhibitor system that prevents rust and corrosion by forming a continuous protection barrier against water and oxygen.
Features of CRC 5-56:Penetrates quickly, even into the finest pores and cracks of the surface.
Lubricates and restores smooth action.
Displaces moisture out of all electrical and ignition systems and makes it possible to start wet engines.
Loosens rusted parts and makes them work again
Stops annoying squeaks.
Leaves a thin film that protects metals from corrosion induced by humidity and other corrosive atmospheres.
Easy repair by eliminating the need for disassemble.
Safe for all metals and alloys.
Safe on most painted surfaces, coatings, plastics and rubbers (if in doubt, test prior to use).
Aerosols are equipped with the 360 (upside-down) spray valve and extension tube for added convenience.
Aerosols are pressurised with non-flammable CO2 propellant, giving an active product content of over 97% (i.e.over 30% more than typical hydrocarbon propelled products).
Applications :A modern, versatile helper for hundreds of repair jobs in all working environments
Electrical parts : plugs, switches, coils, leads,
Cars : ignition system, distributors, battery terminals, cables, starter motors, aerials, nuts and bolts, chrome, seat slides, door latches, spark plugs,
Home : door locks and hinges, sliding doors and windows, drills, locks, hinges, catches, DIY tools, scissors, zippers, buggies, toys,
Leisure : fishing gear, bicycles, garden tools, roller blades, roller skates, ski fittings, marine, golf buggies,
Hundreds of other uses in : workshops, garages , building sites, factories, offices, gardens, homes, do-it-yourself
Directions :Apply generously and allow to penetrate. Full penetration may take a few minutes or more.
To start wet engines : spray into distributor, over coil connectors and wiring.
For hard to reach areas, use extension tube.
If necessary, to be removed by CRC Brakleen or CRC Quicken.
A safety data sheet (MSDS) according EU directive 93/112 is available for all CRC products.